Sophie Klussmann delighted with her glamorous interpretation. Her spellbound, romantic and dazzlingly interpretation mesmerised the audience. She sings with a nobly somber and wide-ranging mezzo-soprano-like tone. At moments when she emphasised the brighter soprano-qualities of the songs’ melodies, their fresh and tender nature was heightened.
— Helsingin Sanomat, Hannu-Ilari Lampila, 16.Nov.2020
Commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus.
— Jonathan L.
The two bright spots ( of The Giacomo Variations ) - Mozart’s music and Sophie Klussmann, superbly elegant with superb stage presence.
— NEW YORK TIMES, 02.06.2013
The younger self (of Elisa von der Recke) is played by the excellent soprano Sophie
— BLOOMBERG, Jeremy Gerard, 31.05.2013
Ms. Klußmann is a delight with her lovely soprano
— WOLF ENTERTAINMENT, William Wolf, 31.05.2013
But there are also the brilliant soprano Sophie Klussmann and the actress Ingeborga
Dapkunaite as female doubles of the immortal father of love, and soon his lovers.
— DIE WELT, Helmut Peters, 28.09.2011
Dass es auch um Liebe geht und dass so eine Liebe an die Existenz gehen kann und tief ins Mark, daran wird man schlagartig erinnert, wenn Sophie Klußmann auftritt. Was für eine wunderbare, klare, zarte und feste Stimme und Persönlichkeit!
— Berliner Tagesspiegel vom 14.08.11.
There is a very remarkable performance from Sophie Klussmann; giving the role of Pamina the dramatic core of a contemporary girl, her screams of “Mother, Mother!“ are deeply touching.
— Neue Musikzeitung vom 14.8.11
The marvellous Sophie Klussmann sings the aria ‘Ach, ich fühl’s’ with a haunting, dark timbre
— Berliner Zeitung vom 14.8.11
Sophie Klussmann is the star of the performance. With her playful charm and dark-hued soprano, her characterisation of Pamina is both sympathetic and strong.
— Berliner Morgenpost vom 13.08.11